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dianne gloria

Tondo, Manila Philippines
Dianne Gloria, 26 years of age...STIER student-
(hopefully graduating this May 10,2013) Artist...Singer,,,Writer,,,Dancer,,,Model,,,FRIEND,,,Blogger,,,And a NERD...=)

The Filipino’s Undying Devotion to the Black Nazarene

on January 09, 2014
The Filipino’s Undying Devotion to the Black Nazarene

Yearly, Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene, also known as Saint John the Baptist Parish and more popularly called Quiapo Church celebrates the Feast of the Black Nazarene ". Many devotees attend the celebration as their yearly devotion to God. Thousands of devotees  believe  that the Black Nazarene has much to do with their daily lives and they hope their devotion will bring good health, positivity, opportunities and good luck to them, which is probably why they have become devotees. Some Filipinos believe in power of the Nazarene, while others are more skeptical, as different people have different perceptions and different beliefs. Still, the legend of the Nazareno lives. Devotees walk  barefoot and some sustaining injuries and suffering a variety of conditions like bruises, wounds, with some fainting and seriously getting hurt because of the amount of people rushing and squeezing towards them. Most devotees simply bear with this chaos as they hang on to the belief that the Nazareno will bless them.

Most Filipinos consider themselves as religious, and that they will do anything and sacrifice everything just to experience a miracle, but honestly, they were wrong about their beliefs. They are the ones who dictate what their lives will become and God will support and guide them on the path they wish to take

Sometimes I think that they do not really know what is written in the Bible or what it is really all about. I just remembered one of the 10 Commandments in the Bible which said “You shall not make for yourself an idol,”  to only believe in God.

But it isn't what I see.

It's never been bad to follow tradition, but we must know who we should really believe in and what we must believe: our Creator, the real Creator and the true God. But as I watched the news, listened to the radio about news of the procession, I got goosebumps as I was nothing but shocked at the  thousands of people who were there just to for the chance to  hold, kiss and wipe the small piece of wooden statue a man created.I also pitied those people who have been hurt by their fellow devotees.

Everyone has different beliefs, different religions and different ways of living, but what is really important is to be more positive, more caring, more loving, and to keep in mind that whatever struggles may come, God will always give guidance and the support, and that we, the believers will always have to work for it to make our dreams happen, making life more meaningful. Let's not wait for miracles. If you want to change your fate, then you are the only person who can change it for the better.