As our Vigattin Radio's Mothers' Day Special, we had two supermom guests: Ms. Ann Jacobe, CEO of Stryker Mobile and Shoephoric; and Ms. Sam Balignasay, Co-founder of WorkInspire and Operations Manager of Openovate Labs. We discussed how they can juggle their career, family life, and other things at once.
But before that, we had two other guests that we met through our very own VigattinTrade.com, the newest and fastest-growing buy and sell website in the Philippines. They were Mr. Alexander Ng, a property consultant of DMCI Homes; and Mr. Leo de Guzman and Ms. Sta. Erika Jacob of Eurostandard Motors Philippines, Inc.
Sir Alex talked about the various DMCI properties that people of different classes can afford. If you ever need a condo unit or a house to move into, consider talking to Sir Alex so that he can help you search for the right place that suits your budget and preference. His account and ads in VigattinTrade can be found at https://vigattintrade.com/results/posted_userpage/917
Sir Leo and Ma'am Erika, on the other hand, talked about Eurostandard's variety of imported cars from Europe. If you're looking for a car for business or personal use, you can drop by their page at https://vigattintrade.com/results/posted_userpage/1096
Now, back to our Mothers' Day discussion, Ms. Ann and Ms. Sam shared their experiences as mothers, wives, and career women. While there is now a growing number of women in business and entrepreneurship, it is still rare to find a woman at the top of the corporate ladder. I was actually surprised and awed with how our two supermoms can handle their busy schedules gracefully. I'm a mom as well, so I was glad to get a few tips on how to manage both my career and my home without being too stressed out.
For a working mom, the key to success is time management. It shouldn't be too much time for this and too little time for that. Schedules should be well balanced among work, home, and personal time. Also, with my own experience, I make my baby my greatest inspiration and motivation to push myself further in my career, so my life seems more manageable if there's a meaningful purpose in everything I do. I guess it's the same with every mom out there.
This Mothers' Day, take time to say a simple word of gratitude to the woman who gave birth to you, raised you, and unselfishly gave herself to you. Hopefully, this not the only day that you do so; rather, make each day a reflection of your love and thankfulness to your parents.
Happy Mothers' Day!
For the full recorded stream of today's episode, watch here: