It was an awesome star-studded Saturday for our Vigattin Radio Program because we had surprise guests! Today, we were joined by Mr. Allan Tan, President and CEO of Ideyatech; and Mr. Jonathan Yabut and Ms. Celina le Neindre, our two Filipino finalists at AXN's Apprentice Asia. Jonathan was even one of the top two contestants, besting 10 other finalists out of a pool of 30,000 applicants.
Apprentice Asia
Everyone in the booth earlier was so excited to meet Jonathan and Celina. Apprentice Asia is now on its final! episode and every fan is waiting on Tony Fernandez' announcement of who he's gonna be hiring. Although our guests' mouths were sealed about the winner, they have told us about their unique experiences at the show.
Apprentice Asia is a reality show going around the stories of 12 contestants competing for a single spot to be Tony Fernandez' apprentice. Mr. Fernandez is Asia's aviation tycoon, owning Air Asia and other businesses as well. Now that the show is down to two remaining finalists, we are all rooting for Jonathan, who is proudly Pinoy in everything he does, to win this prestigious competition.
One thing that should clear your doubts about Apprentice Asia, if not all reality shows in general, is that nothing was scripted. All of those episodes of AA you've watched on TV were real. As they were all vying to be the sole winner, competition was tight and strong, and the environment was very stressful. Even the little twists and drama you saw were simply coming from the survival instinct, drive, and passion that every human has.
As for Jonathan, joining AA was on his life's bucket list so he didn't miss the chance to send an application. One Filipino trait that stood out in the competition was Jonathan's being "madiskarte," which doesn't even have an English word for it. Truly Filipino, isn't it?
Ideyatech is another proudly Pinoy business, built here in the country when everyone else was flying abroad for foreign employment. To date, Ideyatech is a successful software company with around 80 employees. Two of its applications were Attache, a a case management system for law firms and legal organizations, and Skedly, an appointment system for business and professionals.
The Court of Appeals, the Court of Tax Appeals, the Supreme Court of the Philippines, the Office of the Solicitor General, and the Department of Agrarian Reform have all felt the impact of Ideyatech's case management solutions, significantly reducing case turnaround times and docket backlogs by as much as 40%. This is really one of the breakthroughs in our Philippine Judicial System, allowing for a better delivery of justice here in the country.
In this episode, we learned that there are definitely a lot of things that we, Filipinos, should be proud of. I believe that this is the time when we should stand up and show the whole world that we can do better and be the best. It is the time when we are all working and contributing for this country to soar economically, politically, culturally, and socially. In the end, we are all proudly Filipinos at heart!
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