The following days and months are filled with worthwhile, productive, and inspirational events for us Vigattins. Today, organizers of some of these upcoming events joined us in our Vigattin Radio Program. They were Ms. Grace Soriano, co-founder of The Storytelling Project; Mr. Michael Marin and Mr. Alvin Chan of Webgeek.ph; and Mr. Adric Schreuders, Regional Director of Engineering (Manila Engineering Lab) of Freelancer.com.
Run for Reading: The Storytelling Project Pledge Run 2013
We have already featured The Storytelling Project in one of our previous Vigattin Radio episodes. It was founded by Mr. Rey Bufi and Ms. Grace Soriano, aiming to teach children how to read and make them love reading. Rey and Grace go to far-flung areas and mountainous regions just to reach these kids who are very eager to learn. They deserve quality education but they don't have schools in their communities.
Run for Reading is an activity that will hopefully collect a seed fund for The Storytelling Project to officially become an NGO and continue helping children and their parents. You can either run or pledge for runners. This will be held at the Amoranto Stadium this July 27, 4pm.
Check out other details at https://www.facebook.com/TheStorytellingProject.
Freelancer.com's Manila Dev Challenge 2013
Freelancer.com is an online outsourcing marketplace where employers and freelancers meet to work on a certain project. One good thing about this is that employers can find skilled freelancers in any part of the world, and freelancers can work at the comforts of their own home.
Just late last year, Freelancer.com has set up an office in Metro Manila as a result of finding a lot of talented and skilled professionals here in the country. As of now, the Manila Engineering Lab is one of the biggest offices of Freelancer.com all over the world.
As part of tapping the potential of our local technology community, Freelancer.com is hosting its first ever Manila Dev Challenge which calls on the critical thinking and problem solving skills of the participants. This competition is for free and anyone can join. The preliminaries or the Online Code Challenge will be held on July 20, 12pm to 8pm.
For more information, visit https://challenge.freelancer.com.
Social Innovation Camp Philippines
"Bring people who understand technology together with people who understand a social problem to build technology-based solutions to social problems which can go on to become sustainable enterprises." - Social Innovation Camp
In a country where social problems abound, we need something - well, a lot of things, really - to address these issues like poverty, disaster, hunger, and corruption. If old and traditional solutions aren't really solving these problems, it is just right to use technology to address them better.
The Social Innovation Camp is looking for ideas that are socially relevant and will be able to make a great positive effect on our community. We need more of these applications because really, what's a better use of technology than for the greater good? So if you have a concept or idea that you think can answer a certain social issue, feel free to share them to our Webgeek guys for evaluation. You may check for more details or submit your ideas at https://webgeek.ph/sicamp. Deadline of submission is on August 2.
We sincerely hope you're interested in at least one of these events. All of them are for your benefit and for the good of others as well. Until next time, Vigattins! Tune in at Vigattin Radio on DZIQ Radyo Inquirer 990 AM every Saturday, 10-11 AM.
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