Vigattin Radio discussed a very timely topic this Saturday - the 2013 graduates and how they can maximize the career opportunities that different industries offer. Focusing on the career path of our new IT professionals, we tackled the many challenges and surprises waiting for them. We are joined by Mr. Aurelio Santos Jr., an accomplished programmer and web developer.
So how can new graduates prepare for their professional lives? Of course, they should've had maximized their four or five years in college, including their on-the-job trainings, workshops, and other extracurricular activities. They should prepare well for their interview if they aspire to be part of a certain company. Also, for IT graduates, they should at least take further training and certification exams to be more qualified for the position they're dreaming of.
It may delight the 2013 graduates to know that being an employee is not the only means of securing a job. They may choose to have a homebased job and get rid of the stress and cost of commuting to work everyday. They may also build their own business, which is not as difficult as people perceive it. With IT professionals, their only capital can be a computer or laptop, an internet connection, and their acquired knowledge and skills. See, it's not that expensive to make your own business!
As a parting note, Vigattin Radio advises all graduates and graduating students of 2013 to continue learning and improving their skills. Learning should not stop after the graduates get their diplomas. Our professionals minds should not get stagnant; rather, our minds should grow and nurture all through our lives.