The little town of Belison is a portrayal of rural Visayan life in the province of Antique. It is located in the southern coastal portion of the province dotted the agricultural land of Antique. Belison is known for being vibrant and progressive. The civic administration became a good model of a growth-oriented community.
A booming town
Withstanding the passage of time, Belison's history has planted the seeds of stability and sustainable growth in a once impoverished economic climate. Where mostly hand-to-mouth subsistence level livelihood activity represented the entirety of household income, opportunities have now diversified to incorporate highly-skilled, professional sources of revenue. This has given the community a more sophisticated and promising path of development, which is reflected in the town's attributes.
Agriculture continues to be the heartbeat of the town. More than half of its land is riceland, while the rest are planted to corn, coconut, sugar cane and other production like vegetables and peanuts.
A luxuriant environment
When you come across the town from the road you are first impressed by the fresh, bright appearance of the municipal offices set amid manicured lawns and framed by hundred-year old acacia trees. This care and attention to beautification is no accident, and is notably different from most other towns you see in the province and across the region as well. You recognize rapidly that Belison is a community that cares about its past, its present and its future.
And when you smell the fresh, clean air coming off the ocean and greet the people who warmly welcome you and show you about town, you sense a feeling of pride and contentment in their manner. That Belison is what it’s name implies: A beautiful place, and that it is so because the people have made it that way.
A “bedroom community”
For the larger commercial centers of San Jose, Antique, and Iloilo City, Belison is developing into a town that delivers a higher standard of living for its inhabitants and greater quality of life for anyone who comes to stay.
Getting to Belison
Antique is accessible via RORO (Roll-On Roll-Off) from Manila and major cities in the country. There are buses and vans plying from Iloilo City, Iloilo, Kalibo, Aklan to San Jose and vice versa.
Travel time to Antique is about two and a half hours from Iloilo International Airport and one and a half hours away from Kalibo International Airport. When touring around the province, jeepneys and tricycles also available in the area.
From Iloilo or Aklan - take a ride on a public Bus or shuttle van going to Antique. just tell the driver to drop you at Belison.