Continuing e-Blog Mo Na Yan! on Vigattin Radio , they talked about the perks and issues related to food blogging with resident broadcasters Den Macaranas, Arne Barcelo & Elison Barcelo.
Joining them are Ross Del Rosario (founder of WazzupPilipinas.com) and a panel of bloggers or blogcasters with special guests from the food business industry.
Forming the “blogcasters” panel for last Saturday’s episode are bloggers Alice Mate of photoescape06.blogspot.com, Krizia Louren Catapang of krishgeek.tumblr.com and Icah Bunganay of skychick.com.
Their special guests are Ace Azarranga, Marketing Manager of several restaurants with the same management (Swensen’s, Grilla etc.) and Chef Ivan Maminta of Brotzeit.
The show started with a few introductions from the blogcasters and guests. They then discussed the issues that food bloggers are facing like overstepping the boundaries in terms of ethics and discipline.
Example is insisting the management of a restaurant for free food and rewards or even cash payments in exchange of a blog post.
Later on, guests Ace Azarangga and Chef Ivan Mamitan were asked if they approve the use of instant mixes as part of a dish’s ingredients. They were also asked if there really is a shortage of chicken as what a known fast-food said. Evidently, they are not affected by the so-called shortage and they continue to serve chicken meat in their menus.
Aside from food blogging, they also discussed the latest brand in mobile application. Melvin Ryan Fetalvero of CallMe Technologies told us that the CallMe app (a voice platform that lets users make calls for free) still needs advertisers so that it can be opened publicly. To those who are willing to partake of the app's closed beta, you can check www.callmetehnologies.com for the contact details and on how you can participate.
E-Blog Mo Na Yan! on Vigattin Radio ended with a lot of things learned from the anchors, blogcasters and guests. For more interesting discussion, tune in every Saturday from 10 to 11 am at Radyo Inquirer DZIQ 990 AM as Vigattin Radio invites a new set of bloggers and businesspeople.
The show is in partnership with Wazzup Pilipinas as bloggers discussed social media as a platform for advocacies, marketing and sharing personal issues.
Recorded Stream: