Last Friday, January 18, I attended Microsoft's Rockeoke Night together with Jerome and Vigattin's CEO, Mr. Elison Barcelo. It was a thanksgiving party for all the supporters of Microsoft Philippines. I wasn't aware of the theme and I was surprised when I learned that guests should at least sing in front of the crowd. Whoa, I was totally not prepared!
Before the event started, we were toured around the office and I secretly wished our work stations were like those too! Haha! The place was very... different, to say the least. I was thinking maybe the office was made extra comfortable to balance the pressure of being a Microsoft employee. :)
So, we were herded along the food corner and we treated ourselves to a variety of dishes. After having dinner, the singing started and it was F-U-N! Even Sir Eli and I sang a duet. Haha! I swear there were a lot of talented people in the room. The winner was given a Nokia Lumia and I thought to myself, "Darn, I should've sang better!" even though I knew I'm that hopeless at singing. :D
Yeah, it was an awesome night and we went home with Swiss cheese as souvenirs and big smiles on our faces. Super thanks to Ma'am Eevee, Ms. Jonix and the rest of the Microsoft's marketing team for organizing this event! :)