Midway White Beach Resort
The bustling town of Initao thrives mostly on fishing and agricultural farming; however, different small business establishments have flourished, making the town self-sustaining in many ways. Though it is a small town, it has its own share of activity of the flourishing province of Misamis Oriental, as well as possessing beauty that has marked it as one of the centers of tourism in the province.
Here are two of the town’s attractions that help to boost the economy of the province as well as provide sites for eco-tourism.
Stopover at Initao National Park
Initao National Park is situated in the municipality of Initao, Misamis Oriental. It covers 57 hectares of forest with diverse flora and fauna. This park is very unique because the National Highway (Cagayan de Oro to Illigan) snakes along the heart of the forest, making it a favorite stopover for weary and tired drivers, commuters, and travelers. It is situated in an uplifted multi-level marine terrace characterized by karstic topography of irregular limestone regions with sinks and caverns.
Different species of birds can also be seen here, like native pigeons, doves, serpent eagles, and megapodes. The presence of numerous avian species makes this place ideal for bird watching. You can also try spelunking in the various caves that can be found in the place. Just remember that you need to get an experienced tour guide to accompany you to make your exploration safe and enjoyable. The split-nose bats nesting in one of the caves are a must-see. You can also go fishing but you need to bring your own hooks and baits.
The National Park is open to everyone. There are some cottages, picnic tables, and gazebos dotted around the place where you can relax and bond with your fellows. You can also set up an overnight camp in the area but you have to ask permission from the authorities. You also have to maintain the cleanliness of the place.
Initao National Park is a good place for families, friends, and lovers. It has a relaxing, peaceful, and romantic ambiance hanging in the air. Like a warm canopy, the forest will embrace you and take away your distress. It is the perfect getaway. For the first time, getting lost in this place might just be a good thing.
Visit Midway White Beach Resort
Midway White Beach Resort is a known white sand beach located in Baranggay Tubigan a few minutes away from Initao National Park by jeepney. National conventions, other official and government functions as well as private weddings, family gatherings and celebrations are held here. Fruit stands with variety of fruits are located just outside the gates.
Resort amenities include a pool, well-tended cottages, convention hall and a man-made island. There are sleeping quarters and private cottages for those who plan to stay overnight.
There are three other known beaches in the town aside from Midway White Beach; there is the adjacent Hapitanan (means "Drop-in" in local dialect) Beach; this beach is frequented by locals because of its cheap rates; residents and tourists can even stay there without paying if they don't use any cottages as there is no entrance fee, and Don Arc Poblete Beach Resort (named after the owner Arc Poblete), or Emeralda Beach Resort located in barangay Pagahan.
There is also horseback riding in Initao.
How to get there
Initao can be reached in an hour by plane from Manila to Cagayan de Oro, then a 45-minute bus ride. One can go around the town by riding a “sikad-sikad” or motorboat, “jeepneys” or motorcycles.