To the Christian world, Easter is the most important day in the liturgical calendar as it is the commemoration of Jesus Christ's resurrection on the third day after His crucifixion. It is also marks the end of the Passion of Christ an Lent, the 40 days marked by penance, prayer, introspection, confession, church activities, and fasting. Easter is a cheerful celebration of life celebrated in many parts of the world even without its religious connotations, which have themes of rebirth, life, and new beginnings.
In the Philippines, which is a predominantly Christian country, mostly Catholics, Easter is celebrated with joy and vigor in many different ways. the most common would be attending Easter vigils held the night before, Black Saturday. Easter masses held throughout the day of Sunday. Most churches are decorated with flowers and other Easter symbols and decorations are prepared to greet the greater than usual number of churchgoers, as Easter is the most important Sunday of the Christian year. As the previous days of Holy Week are holidays, Easter Sunday is when families gather and have reunions. Feasts or parties or special meals are prepared for the occasion.
Other Western concepts of Easter have already had a profound influence on how Easter is celebrated here in the Philippines, like Easter eggs and Easter egg hunting. This activity has caught on with Filipinos and is not a major part of Easter celebrations as they involve children. Easter eggs are hardboiled eggs or egg-shaped candies or other treats decorated in bright, lively colors or with Easter-themed patterns. They are prepared beforehand and hidden away in the different parts a venue for the children or participants to find. Finders get to keep what they find. Children find this exciting and enjoyable, and the treats are very much welcome too.
Throughout the Philippines, Easter is celebrated in many establishments and is primarily directed at children. Although the themes and motifs vary, they mainly consist of Easter egg hunts, children variety shows, contests, costume parties, and mascots, particularly that of the Easter bunny. Hotels hold lavish feasts of fine food with specialties of chocolate eggs or chocolate bunnies, as well as set many activities like Easter egg hunting throughout the day. Malls offer exciting activities and events, such as shows, games, mascots, raffles, giveaways, and Easter egg hunts as well.
Easter Sunday is indeed vibrant and colorful in the islands and is indeed a joyful time for believers, and of course the children as well.