Vigattin Radio is once again on the air to bring you the latest update on information technology. With co-anchors Mr. Den Macaranas and Mr. Elison Barcelo. Joining them are guests Ms. Gemma Rose Devanadera (Event Head Organizer of Drupal Camp Manila 2014), Mr. Rowald Umandal (Apprentice developer of Drupal) and Ms. Michie Ang of Shoot N Sell.
First to be interviewed was Ms Gemma Rose Devanadera, Drupal web developer/designer and event head organizer of Drupal Camp Manila 2014, she explained that Drupal is a content management framework like Wordpress but is more enhanced and users need to learn PHP so that they can get the best of it.
She added that newbies can easily learn Drupal because they introduce site building that features editing, clicking and installing. They also have a module where one can learn Drupal through a video tutorial but if a user already know how to code in PHP or Python they can easily use the platform. (Currently Drupal is used as a back-end framework for at least 2.1% of all websites all over the world.)
Last 2012, when she first joined Drupal they only have 600 members of their online group. She uttered that the only initiative that they have then were to do meet-ups and teach others on how to use it, but as time goes by,they started their campus tour. From there, they found out their passion for teaching and started to persuade other members to go outside and see something more about the community.
By this, members will be exposed to other developers which they can relate and learn new ideas. As of now, Drupal has over 2000 members of their Facebook community group .
Apprentice developer Roald Umandal a fresh graduate from Jose Rizal University were asked if who persuaded him to use Drupal. He answered that he just browsed on the internet and found the community for Drupal users and since then, he saw that the community is so active so he joined every event that the group is holding. He then approached Ms. Gemma to be a volunteer and share what he learned at school and on the internet.
Later on, Ms. Michie Ang CEO and co-founder of ShootnSell were interviewed. She’s a nurse turned mobile developer and active in the startup scene. She won the Angel Hack 2013 in Singapore together with her team and now leads ShootnSell together with co-founder Ms. Ruby Santa Cruz and Ms. Roselle Santino.
She explained that ShootnSell is an app where you can take a picture of your product and add some details on it or you can choose from the overlays provided. Then you can have a professional looking ad which you can share either on social media or other sites. Ms. Ang also talked about their experienced in Angel Hack.
She told the listeners that she’s actually on vacation in Singapore when AngelHack happened so she convince Ruby her friend ( a Singapore-based developer) to join the hackathon event. So at first, Ms. Ruby wants some photo app like Instagram but she told her that it will just be a mimic of it. She told her that why not create a photo app that is useful for businesses and other stuff, from there ShootnSell were made. Their team won the Angel Hack 2013 competition and bested 60 other teams.
After the hackathon they fly out to Silicon Valley and pitch their start-up to inventors. When Ms. Michie Ang was asked if what you if you failed, she answered “I f you fail, you need to know your mistake and learn from your mistake.” Afterwards, Ms. Gemma Devanadera invited listeners to join the Drupal Camp Manila 2014. (For more information, visit: www.dcmanila2014.drupalpilipinas.org)
Before Vigattin Radio ended, they answered questions from listeners. For more information about Drupal and ShootnSell you can visit these sites: www.drupal.org and www.shootnsell.co .
Recorded Stream: