Located in San Fernando City, La Union, this unique botanical garden is nestled on the hills of the city and spread out on several hectares of land. This is a sanctuary of different plant species which can be found not just in tropical countries like the Philippines but also in sub-tropical areas and deserts.
There is a great deal of harmony between the plants and their habitats in this outdoor museum. Without the proper way of conservation and caretaking, plants that don’t normally grow in our country will surely wither and die. But as you can see, plants of various colors and sizes continue to thrive and coexist in the ecosystem precisely made for them. Indigenous and endemic plants of the Philippines also joined the party in this place.
This garden sure is the best spot to learn botany the interesting way. Beside the plants are their common names and scientific names, plus their places of origin. The whole place is a high-class research facility for students and scientists. The plant world is a fascinating area of studies and the La Union Botanical Garden is the home of botanical knowledge and experience.
Different themed areas are also showcased here: Shade Garden, Sunken Garden, Evergreen Garden, Arid Paradise, Fragrance Garden, Fernery and Palmery. Escaping to this plant sanctuary and smelling the fragrance of the flowers are good ways of natural therapy. This place can also be a romantic getaway for couples. Photography lovers won’t be able to put down their cameras because of the multitude of beautiful plants and trees before them.
At the farthest end, there’s a nursery where young plants are grown before they get replanted to their respective gardens. You can marvel at these little plants and thank the wonder of nature for their beauty. This is where their lives start – their seeds seem so ordinary at first, but they all grow into budding flowers, herbs, trees, and more array of plants than you can imagine.
There’s also an aviary and mini zoo in this place. Not only can you interact with different animals and birds, you can also learn the importance of wildlife preservation. Most of these animals were donated by the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources because they want to instill in the minds of the youth the value of these fauna in our ecosystem. In here, you can see monkeys, doves, eagles, wild pigeons, orioles, and a lot more.
La Union Botanical and Zoological Garden is worth a trip to La Union. Originally built to be a venue for environmental education, scientific research, biodiversity conservation, and aesthetic recreation, you can really appreciate here the different uses of plants and the role that animals play in our everyday lives.